Major Matt Fry has 16 years of service with the Royal Engineers and has conducted operations around the world, ranging from IED disposal to the delivery of technical infrastructure in austere conditions as a Professionally Qualified Engineer (PQE). Most recently he was the Commander of the Military Assessment Team responsible for the delivery of the Nightingale Hospital in Manchester, delivering a fully functioning NHS hospital in just 12 days of construction. He has driven the use of innovative technology throughout his time in the Corps and continues to be a catalyst for positive change and the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). For his work in the field of innovation he won the Army Chartered Engineer of the Year award, The Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers innovation award and a CGS commendation. He is currently undertaking a Master’s Degree in Geospatial Intelligence to become the first dual streamed PQE Officer in the Corps and will focus on developing synergies between the two specialisms.